Monday, the 18th of January
Lesson 1
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Тема: Pace
Work 9-D Form
Время: 18 янв. 2021 08:45 AM Хельсинки
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Lesson 2
Date: 18.01.2021
Theme: Distance dining.
1. Warm up
1. Lots of
public places are closed at the moment, due to Covid-19 and the need for social
distancing. In your country, which of these places are open now? Do people have
to follow any rules when they use these spaces?
• schools and
• parks
• shops
• restaurants
and bars
2. Which of
these places have you missed/did you miss the most? Why?
2. Watch for main idea
Read the
questions about greenhouse dining, then watch a video to find the answers.
1. Where is this
2. How many
people can use each greenhouse?
3. How do
waiters serve the food safely?
4. Who can eat
in the greenhouses now? Why?
5. What
suggestion does one customer have?
6. When might
restaurants in this place open again?
3. Watch for detail/vocabulary
Read the
sentences from the report and remember/predict the missing words. The words you
write will have the same or similar meaning as the words in brackets. The first
letters of the missing words have been given. Watch the report again to check.
It’s super
c__________1(comfortable, warm and pleasant).
(The restaurant)
... recently c______ u______ w______ 2 (suggested) an idea on how to offer
c__________ 3(fashionable and attractive) outdoor dining in the age of social
distancing: small glass c__________ 4(small houses) built for two or three
Waiters wear
gloves and transparent face shields and use a long board to serve dishes to
ensure m__________ 5(as little as possible) physical contact with customers.
The concept is
currently being t __________6(tested) only for family and friends of staff.
While the booths
certainly look g __________7(exciting and attractive), there may be a d
__________8 (negative aspect).
Just sitting in
a c__________9(closed space for keeping animals in) of glass in that sense, it
will become very hot.
Lesson 3
4. Watch and explain
Around the
world, restaurants have come up with other solutions to the problem of social
Use these videos
to find out what two restaurants are doing to serve food safely.
Pupils, I will
show you two videos. Watch and compare.
5. Discuss
Answer these
1. What are the
advantages and downsides of each way of serving food from the two videos in the
last exercise?
2. Of the
restaurants in the three videos you have seen today, where would you feel most
confident to eat safely? Why?
3. What other
ways can you think of for restaurants to provide food safely for their
6. Writing/speaking: problems and solutions
Use what you
have discussed in this lesson to plan and write a problem/solution essay or
presentation in response to this question:
Nowadays, many
restaurants around the world must find new ways of serving their customers due to
the Covid 19 pandemic. Describe the problems they face and present and evaluate
some possible solutions.
evaluate = explore the advantages and disadvantages of a solution and say how
successful it is in solving the problem
You could use
this paragraph plan to organise your writing:
1. Introduction:
briefly explain the situation and the problem
2. Present and
evaluate one solution
3. Present and
evaluate a second solution
4. Present and
evaluate a third solution
5. Conclusion:
select the best option from the solutions you presented