Конспекти уроків


Тема заходу: «Jump, run, hop and be healthy» (1 клас)


Практична: практикувати учнів у розумінні на слух вивчених лексичних одиниць; повторити та активізувати команди руху.

Освітня: удосконалити реакцію відтворення учнями лексичних одиниць.

Розвиваюча: розвивати особистісні якості; навчати співпрацювати в групі; підвищувати пізнавальний інтерес учнів до мови через використання ігрових моментів.

Виховна: виховувати культуру здорового та активного способу життя.

Обладнання: картки із зображенням команд; фігури трикутників, квадратів та коло; кеглі та шари; відео із фрагментом танцю.

Хід заходу

Teacher: Good morning, pupils. I am very glad to see you. How are you today?

Teacher: Pupils, do you like active games? What can an active kid do? (run, jump, hop, swim, play, sing, dance)

Teacher: To be healthy, we should eat, sleep, do exercises and wash our hands.

Конкурс 1.  «Wash your body»

Teacher: Pupils, let’s wash our body! We have two teams. (Pupils are divided into two teams. Each pupil follows the commands of the teacher. One correct action is one point).

Wash your leg, wash your hands, wash your nose, wash your face, wash your neck, wash your foot, wash your shoulder, wash your head, wash your eyes, wash your fingers, wash your knees, wash your ears, wash your hair, wash your back, wash your toes, wash your mouth, wash your arm, wash your cheeks, wash your chin.

Конкурс 2. «Commands»

Teacher: Now let’s find the right picture to my command. I am going to tell you an action and your task is to point to the picture. (One correct picture is one point)

1. Go!                                           9. Say!

2. Run!                                        10. Smile!

3. Jump!                                      11. Play!

4. Swim!                                      12. Catch!

5. Fly!                                          13. Draw!

6. Sit!                                           14. Eat!

7. Stand!                                      15. Wash!

8. Look!                                       16. Sleep!         


Конкурс 3. «Funny race»

Teacher: Children, look at the floor! Do you see the shapes of different colors? Triangles are for your hands and squares are for your feet and a circle is for  “ turn around ”. Your task is to step on the shapes and do all the tasks one by one. Look at me, I will show you what to do.   


Конкурс 4. «Colorful bowling»

Teacher: Pupils, you are great! Do you remember colors? Let’s play bowling with multicolored skittles.  I say a color and you knock out a pin of this color. You get 2 points for this task.

Конкурс 5. «Dance battle»

Teacher: Do you want to dance? Repeat the movements for the dancers. The most synchronous team will receive points. ( https://youtu.be/52pdktAMDe4 )

Teacher: Kids, have some more fun and we are going to count the points of your teams. ( https://youtu.be/AFIqSaZM2D0 )

 Teacher: Our competition is over. You were nice today. These small presents are for you. 

Тема уроку: Earth in danger.

Цілі уроку.

Практична: навчити учнів правильно користуватися наданою новою інформацією та активізувати нові лексичні конструкції у своєму мовленні; навчити учнів слухати, запам’ятовувати інформацію та розвивати навички монологічного мовлення та вміння орієнтування при виборі лексичних одиниць.

Освітня: розширити знання учнів про екологічну ситуацію нашої планети та направити на вірне викладення думок, щодо вирішення даної проблеми.

Розвиваюча: розвивати довільну та мимовільну пам’ять і увагу учнів, мовну здогадку та логічне викладення думок.

Виховна: виховувати позитивне та турботливе ставлення до нашої планети.

Обладнання уроку: роздатковий матеріал, дошка, плакати учнів.

Схематичний план року

1.     Організаційна частина                                                               1хв.

2.     Цільова настанова уроку                                                           1хв.

3.     Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку                               1хв.

4.     Quiz                                                                                              5хв.

5.     Ознайомлення з цікавими фактами «Did you know»?            10хв.

6.     Обговорення пропозицій «You can help»                                5хв.

7.     Логічно-розвиваюча гра «How to use less!»                            10хв.

8.     Захист плакатів                                                                          10хв.

9.     Підсумки уроку. Нагородження переможців.                        2хв.

Teacher: Hello, pupils. I am glad to see you at today’s lesson. The topic of our discussion is going to be dedicated to our Earth.  I guess you have noticed that our planet and its climate have changed greatly since the last centuries. It’s a problem of the whole mankind. Still, every person can influence the future of our planet.

1.     Quiz – how environmentally conscious are you?

Teacher: Now I would like to check how environmentally conscious you are.

I want you to circle your answers and then add up your points. The more points you have, the more environmentally conscious you are.

How often do you…




drink bottled water?




unplug/disconnect your TV over night?




take a bath (instead of a shower)?




go to school by car?




walk or ride a bike to school?




eat meat?




recycle paper?




recycle bottles?




give old clothes to charity?





2.     Did you know?

Teacher: OK, pupils. Now I would like you to read some interesting facts or predictions about our planet. These predictions are in my box. You are welcome to pull them out. Each pupil will pull his/her fact out. Listen to your classmates carefully. I can ask someone of you to enumerate all the facts.

Did you know:

1.     People in Britain drink 165 million cups of tea a day! If they boiled only as much water as necessary, they’d save enough electricity to power 300,000 homes for a whole year.

2.     Greenhouse gases aren’t completely bad. Without them, the sun’s warmth would escape and the earth would be covered in ice.

3.     A running tap wastes around six litres of water per minute.

4.     The energy used on a return flight from Europe to Australia could power your house for six years.

5.     A warmer climate means giant snakes. Cold-blooded animals grow much bigger when the weather is warm.

6.     Earth is the only planet not named after a god. The other seven planets in our solar system are all named after Roman gods or goddesses.

7.     Only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh and 97% of it is salty.

8.     If all the people on Earth would jump at the same time, we could produce a magnitude 4 to 8 earthquake.

9.     90% of all rubbish in the world’s oceans is plastic which can end up killing or disfiguring animals and plants.

10.                        American businesses alone generate enough paper every day to encircle the globe 20 times.

11.                        40% of our waterways are dangerous to drink from because of the toxins and chemicals that have been spilled in them.

12.                        Between 50 and 100 species of plants and animals go extinct every single day because their habitats are destroyed by humans, often for farming.

13.                        Around 5 million tons of the oil produced throughout the year ends up in the ocean each year.

14.                        We only use 11% of the Earth’s surface to grow food.

15.                        Just one supermarket can throw away over 60 million paper bags each year. Many of these will end up in the world’s oceans.

16.                        Modern glass bottles can take more than 4000 years to decompose, but they can easily be recycled.

17.                        If we do recycle just one glass bottle, we save enough energy to light a normal light bulb for around four hours.

18.                        If we were to start recycling all newspapers, we could save an average of 250 million trees every year.

19.                        40% of all the water sold in the world as bottled water is actually tap water.

20.                        It costs 90% more energy to make new aluminum cans than to just recycle them.

Teacher: What fact out of the above mentioned was the most interesting and cognitive?

Teacher: We all contribute to climate change whenever we:

-         Travel by car, by plane or on public transport.

-         Take a bath or shower with hot water.

-         Turn on the heating.

-         Use electricity that comes from fossil fuels.

-         Buy products that need lots of energy to make and come from far away.

3. You can help!

Teacher: Our homes produce around 30 per cent of CO2 emissions. Everyone knows we can save energy by turning off lights and using energy-efficient light bulbs. But there are lots of other simple things you can do. Pupils, give your own ideas that will help to save our environment. I want you to divide into two teams. One good and productive idea will bring one point to a team.

(students give their ideas)

4.     How to use less!

Teacher: Now I would like you find out some more simple things that you can do to save our planet. This is also going to be a team contest.

Your team has to decide in which bin you can recycle the following products.

You have four bins: metal and aluminium, plastics, glass, paper and cardboard.

For the correct answer of your team, you will receive one idea (written down on a sheet of paper) that will help to save our Earth. The more ideas you get, the easier it will be for you to speak about your environmental posters.

The products that I dictate:

Notebook, water bottle, newspaper, fizzy drink can, jam jar, cereal box, soup tin, magazine, phone book, envelope, juice carton, paper cup, tin foil, yogurt container, shampoo bottle, egg carton, shoe box, ketchup bottle, coffee tin, shower curtain, aerosol can, CD case.

Answer Key

Metal and aluminium: fizzy drink can, soup tin, tin foil, coffee tin, aerosol can.

Plastic: water bottle, yogurt container, shampoo bottle, shower curtain, CD case.

Paper and cardboard: notebook, newspaper, cereal box, magazine, phone book, envelope, juice carton, paper cup, egg carton, shoe box.

Glass: jam jar, ketchup bottle.



Ideas that I give pupils for their correct answers:

1.     Unplug your television and laptop. They use energy even when they’re turned off. Always unplug your phone charger after your phone is charged.

2.     Turn down the heating by one degree. This can reduce your energy use by ten per cent.

3.     Take a short shower instead of a bath. A bath uses about 100 litres of hot water.

4.     Put the lids on pots and pans when you’re cooking.

5.     Keep your fridge full. Empty fridges need more energy to stay cool.

6.     Don’t boil more water than you need.

7.     Use things for as long as possible. It takes energy to make new products.

8.     If your old stuff can still be used, give it to charity instead of throwing it away.

9.     Eat less meat. Meat production uses lots of energy, and rainforests are destroyed to make space for cattle.

10.                        Wash fruit and vegetables in a bowl, then use that water for your plants.

11.                        Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Use a normal toothbrush instead of an electric one.

12.                        Drink tap water instead of bottled water.

13.                        Take your own travel mug to the coffee shop instead of using paper cups.


5.     Environmental posters.

Teacher: Using the information that you have already received and the above mentioned information, work in teams and make one of these two environmental posters.

1.     Earth in danger!

2.     Save our planet!

Each team speaks on its poster.

Teacher: Thank you so much for your activity and creativity.


Theme: Shopping in Britain

Objectives: to explain the meaning of the theme with the help of definitions; to make pupils to describe an attitude toward the theme; to analyze the pictures of shops; to compare shopping in Britain and in Ukraine, to discuss the differences and similarities between them; to generate ideas about complaints and criticism in the shops; to make up dialogues; to prepare students for narration of their own experience; through this lesson, the students will improve their understanding of various kinds of shops; to develop students’ logical thinking, their creativity and attention; to develop students’ memory, dialogical and monological speech.

Equipment: cards, pictures, a chart.

Course of the lesson

I. Introduction

Teacher: Pupils, today we are going to have an interesting lesson. You will speak a lot, discuss pictures, make up dialogues and share your own experience. But you have to guess the theme of our lesson. I will give you definitions of the words and your task is to guess and to name the appropriate words.

# The action or activity of buying goods – shopping;

# At a point within an area or a space – in;

# The island containing England, Wales, and ScotlandBritain.


Teacher: As for me I like shopping very much. It's a great pleasure for me. I go shopping regularly. And I must say there are some lovely places to do it in our town. I go shopping alone and with my family, on Sundays and even on weekdays. And what about you?

1) Do you like shopping?

     Ps: Yes, I do. I like shopping (very much).

2) Do you often go shopping?

     Ps: Yes, I do. I often go shopping. / No, I don't. I don't often go shopping.

3) Who usually goes shopping in your family?

     Ps: My Mum goes shopping. / My parents go shopping.

4) When did you go shopping last time?

     Ps: I went shopping on Sunday (yesterday).

5) Who did you go shopping with?

     Ps: I went shopping with my Mum (alone).

6) What new things did you buy?

     Ps: We bought butter, sugar, apples and sausages.

     Ps: We bought a sweater and a T-shirt for me.

7) Do you usually try on sweaters (shoes, jeans) before you buy them?

     Ps: Yes, I do. I usually try things on.

8) Who bought this blouse (T-shirt, sweater, jacket) for you?

     Ps: My Mum (sister, Dad, aunt) bought it.


II. Main Body

1. Brainstorming

Teacher: What kinds of shops do you know? Let's look at the chart.


department store







corner shop




off licence



Teacher: Now I am going to show you some pictures of different types of shops. Look at them carefully and be ready to name the necessary kind of a shop and some products or things you can buy their.


2. Reading of the text “Shopping in Britain

Teacher: Pupils, and now pay your attention to the text. Let’s read it.


Shopping in Britain

When you want to buy something you go to shop or market. Some people are fond of shopping other are not. But all of them go shopping now and then.


In Britain buying food is usually done at baker’s, at the butcher’s, at the sweet shop or at the greengrocer’s. If you need either sugar or rice, you go to the grocer’s. If you need fish, you go to the fishmonger’s. At the dairy you can buy dairy products like milk or cream.


But nowadays shopping in supermarkets becomes more and more popular, because it’s convenient as they operate on the self-service system. It means you walk round the shop and choose what you want. You don’t put goods into your bag before paying for them. You can use trolleys. At the exit you pay for all goods at the cashier. Supermarkets don’t close for lunch. If you are a traveller in Britain, you should know some shopping habits in the country. For example, you should remember that fish shops are closed on Mondays. You should know that sales are popular with British shoppers. They are held twice a year by shops and department stores to get rid of old stock. Some of shops and supermarkets in Britain had got leading positions.


Sainsbury’s supermarkets are leaders in food and drink selling. These very big supermarkets are for richer people who want to do shopping once a week or even a month.


Tesco’s supermarkets are leaders, too. But they’ve got a different image. They sell goods at lower prices.


British Home Stores (BHS) is group of large shops selling mainly clothes but also food and other products for the houses.


Buying clothes in Britain is a problem for Europeans because they have different size system. Ready-made clothes departments in London usually use both British and Europeans sizes and the tags.


There are some traditions about shopping in Britain. Mothers usually buy clothes for their small children, but British teenagers usually buy clothes by themselves. The British usually buy food in supermarkets once a week. The food shopping in most British families is usually done by mothers.


Don’t forget that British use “please” a lot. As for “thank you” remember that in Britain in informal situations and some shops, lots people say “cheers” instead.


3. Which is better?

Teacher: Students, do you feel the difference between shopping in Britain and shopping in Ukraine? Do we have such a variety of different types of shops in our country? What types of shops prevail in our town? (Small shops or big supermarkets)

Teacher: Pupils, I would like you to divide in half and to support a position of your group.  The task of your team is to prove that small shops are better than big supermarkets. The second team has to prove an advantage of big supermarkets.


4. Complaining and criticizing

Teacher: Sometimes some complaints and criticism may appear in shops, at the markets and at the supermarkets. Work in groups of three. I’m going to give you some different types of shop. When you hear the shop, quickly agree on a complaint. (T – Shoe shop; S – I bought these shoes yesterday and the heel is already broken).


5. Role plays and dialogues

Teacher: In your groups, choose your favourite complaint and role-play this conversation.

Student A – you are an argumentative customer;

Student B – you are an unhelpful shop assistant;

Student C – you are the manager, called to sort out the problem.


6. Loud statement

Teacher: In small groups, tell each other about a real complaint you have made. Did you express your misgivings in a polite but assertive way? Was your complaint properly dealt with? Pupils, listen carefully and be ready to choose the most interesting complaint.


III. Conclusion

Teacher: Students, thank you for the lesson, you were very active and creative today. Have you memorized all the types of shops? Great! Your marks for today are the following …