Pace Work 9-D Form (06.10.2020)

Pace Work 9-D Form (06.10.2020)

Date: 06.10.2020

Topic: Abbreviation.

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or lengthy phrases. You'll find them in almost every discipline and area of life, from commonly used abbreviations in names or titles, such as Mr. for Mister or Pres. for President, to less commonly used abbreviations, such as the short version of the word abbreviation itself, which is abbr.

There is more than one type of abbreviation. An acronym is a new word created from the initial letters of a long name or phrase, for example, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). An initialism is where a long phrase is abbreviated to its initial letters but the letters are pronounced individually, not spoken as a word - for example, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). An initialism can be considered a type of acronym.

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